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The Chat Room / Re: Would you call it rude ?
« Last post by Mups on Today at 11:41:26 PM »
I see your point about going around in stockinged  feet .
Surprised you would  allow people to clean your home including the bathroom  wearing outdoor shoes fetching dirt  in  notwithstanding it could bek raining or snowing when they arrive.

But isn't that why we have door  - so people can wipe their shoes?
The Chat Room / Re: Would you call it rude ?
« Last post by Zuleika on Today at 11:29:07 PM »
I see your point about going around in stockinged  feet .
Surprised you would  allow people to clean your home including the bathroom  wearing outdoor shoes fetching dirt  in  notwithstanding it could bek raining or snowing when they arrive.    
General Discussion / Re: Tommy Robinson.
« Last post by Vlad on Today at 10:59:52 PM »
I thought so 😂 He sends him birthday cards I believe
General Discussion / Re: Harrods horror
« Last post by Vlad on Today at 10:48:12 PM »
There is money to be made. Everyone wants a piece of the pie.
General Discussion / Re: Is Reform Just Another Mainstream Party?
« Last post by Akbuk on Today at 10:46:44 PM »
But we're no longer in the EU. It's now the European Court of Human Rights we need to get out of.

I think it’s a by the way what we’re in or out of. We can blame whoever’s Law but it still takes more than Laws to stop the physical movement of people.
General Discussion / Re: Harrods horror
« Last post by Mups on Today at 10:32:33 PM »
All a bit late now seeing all this supposedly happened  decades ago.
What is the point of bring it u when the man has been dead for years ?

I must say I thought much the same as you, Muddy.

Why after all this time?  The man is dead, his son is dead,  and for the life of me I can't understand why these women don't report these things at the time.

Now we will no doubt get at least a coach load more speaking up,  yet none of them reported it before.

Thing is,  whether it is true or not I have no idea,  but seeing as he is unable to defend himself,  they have only got the womens word for it.
General Discussion / Re: Is Reform Just Another Mainstream Party?
« Last post by John8 on Today at 10:24:01 PM »
But we're no longer in the EU. It's now the European Court of Human Rights we need to get out of.
The Chat Room / Re: Would you call it rude ?
« Last post by Mups on Today at 10:22:38 PM »
First thing that came to mind when you said about going around in stocking feet was,  who would be responsible if your helper slipped on wooden flooring or on the staircase,  and injured herself,  I wonder?

The second thing was,  personally No,  I wouldn't ask someone to take their shoes off in my house,  not unless they were muddy Wellies or similar.   Smelly socks and verruca's would bother me more than wearing a clean pair of shoes.
The Chat Room / Would you call it rude ?
« Last post by Zuleika on Today at 10:13:55 PM »
If you employed someone in  your home  as carer/ cleaner  would you ask them to remove their outdoor  footwear and either  go about in stockinged feet or fetch house shoes ?  Or would it come across unfriendly or even rude?
I asked such the other week but it was  ignored or forgotten. 

My parents  received a letter naming  items that new grammar school girls must have on entry to grammar school , they were called “ house shoes “ and rightly so.     
General Discussion / Re: Starmer making it clear
« Last post by Akbuk on Today at 10:04:15 PM »
Starmer has now said he will no longer be accepting any more "donations" for clothes (said nothing about any other freebies though or whether he will still allow others to buy his wife's clothes).  Robber Reeves and Appalling Angela have also issued similar statements!

The damage is done & he knows it.
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