Author Topic: YESTERDAYS CHILD ....Chapter 1  (Read 413 times)


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« on: Jun 01, 2021, 02:39:35 PM »

I was born in Dagenham in 1930. My family had moved there after the general strike in hopes of finding work. To say that we were poor would be putting it mildly.
I developed bronchial pneumonia at the age of six months which in turn affected my eyesight and because my parents were too poor to pay for doctors fees I was put in a Sisters of Mercy care home.

These Sisters of Mercy were not so merciful I have to say. My mother was a Catholic but my father was C of E and my mother let me go in good faith to this care home.
While in the care of this home I was mentally and physically abused by these so-called Sisters of Mercy.
I can remember from the age of four having to scrub a floor, which I could not see properly because I had a patch over my good eye. I was trying to see through one that was nearly blind and I was beaten across the back with a broom handle because I had missed some water that I had not wiped up.Or being rapped across the head or whatever part of the body was closest to hand for no apparent reason.

I remember one day being behind a nun who was particularly vicious towards the children. She possessed a very nasty streak in her and unfortunately I was following her in through a very heavy door which she deliberately let go of just as I put my hand on the wall to help myself up the step. The door swung to quickly and split my thumbnail in two.
I was told that if I cried I would be put in the broom cupboard all night. My thumb was wrapped in a cloth that was sodden with blood in no time, the cloth was changed the next morning but I had to make do all day until the evening to have it changed.
That thumbnail has never grown properly because it splits in two as soon as it gets to a decent length. I have also been locked in a broom cupboard for four hours at a time for some minor misdemeanour.

One visiting day I stood peering out of the big iron gates waiting for someone to come and visit me. I spotted my mother with a brown paper parcel under her arm. When we got into the dormitory she unwrapped it to reveal a beautiful china doll all dressed in pink satin.
I was ecstatic because it looked and reminded me of a princess from a story that at some time in my life someone had told me about. I nursed the doll and did not want to put it down, just in case it disappeared from my sight, what bit I had.
My joy was short lived because as soon as my mother went the Sister came and took the doll off me and put it on a high shelf.
A little girl called Molly Mason was SO enamoured with the doll’s satin shoes she climbed up on a chair to feel the silkiness of them. Unfortunately she must have lost her balance and as she fell she grabbed at the shelf and caught the doll’s foot. This resulted in the doll toppling on to the floor and smashing into smithereens.
I felt SO angry with her for doing that to my lovely doll but it soon turned to being very sorry for her when the Sister came in after hearing the noise and marching her out to evidently spend some time in the cupboard or a beating.

So many cruelties dealt out for no reason at all -under the cloak of religion.

When I had turned 6 years of age I was being sent home on a one week every month basis to get used to my family who I had never lived with.
It was on one of these weeks that my grandmother had died.
I did NOT know my maternal grandmother so at the time I was not unduly bothered about it because at six years of age everything was new and unfamiliar to me. Also with looking at everything through a bad eye because my good one was still covered up, it was taking some doing.
Therefore I was extremely nervous when my mother said, “I will take you to see your grandmother. She never hurt you when alive and she wont hurt you now she is dead” This statement to me even at the age I was seemed stupid because I could never remember ever seeing my grandmother.

Grandmother was lying upstairs after neighbours had been in and washed her and put her things right.
By that I found out many years later that every orifice had been plugged to stop leakage.
I could only assume that my sister and two brothers had been to see her already because I was being led up the stairs, very reluctantly on my part, by my mother.
As the bedroom door swung open I could discern, through my bad eye as we got nearer a big shape on a brass knobbed double bed.
My bad eye was working overtime trying to take all this in. As I was led closer I could see a massive woman with a scarf tied round her jaws and pennies on her eyes. Her arms were folded across her chest.

To meet my grandmother like this was a nightmare. I kept hoping I would wake up.
My mother said “Just touch her on the arm and say ‘Night Night God Bless’ before she goes to Jesus.”
Even at that tender age I could not see him liking a massive woman with her jaws tied up and with pennies on her eyes. I knew I didn’t.
As I reluctantly did as my mother told me my grandmother's arm shot from her chest and flopped over on to mine.
As her stone cold fingers rested on my arm I had a strong urge to fill my bloomers.
I learnt afterwards the air had come out of her body which caused the reflex movement.
I made a beeline for the door.
As I fell down the stairs and met my breath halfway down I could hear my mother saying “Oh Sweet Mother of Mercy she has passed her gift on to my baby.”
I wasn’t aware that she had passed anything on to me only the fact that I had to get to a lavatory as soon as possible.

I found out some time later that my grandmother was an original Gypsy. When she married my grandfather she was more or less cast off from her clan or whatever they were called.

Anyway I was brought out again from the home to attend the funeral. My mother had bought me a new black and white gingham dress and new black patent shoes for the funeral.
My grandmother had a laundaulette pulled by four black horses all sporting black feathered plumes. A laundaulette by the way is a glass four- wheeled carriage that carried the hearse after which the family followed on foot.
We all solemnly followed on behind with our heads bent, to the cemetery.
When we got back for the family gathering I was told I had been a good little girl for keeping my eyes down on the ground while following the coffin and I was given a penny. I WAS RICH. I had never had a penny in my life and I was going to buy the moon with it.
What I never owned up to was the fact that I had NEVER had a new pair of shiny shoes in my life before and I was SO proud of them I was keeping my head bent very low to see how they shone in the daylight.
Nothing to do with being reverent.

Michael Rolls

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Re: YESTERDAYS CHILD ....Chapter 1
« Reply #1 on: Jun 01, 2021, 02:49:46 PM »
Touching story, Maisie. Why were so may nuns like that? Mum and siblings went to a school run by nuns - this was just after WW1 - and didn’t have a good word to say about them. However, Veronica was a nurse, and her final ten years or so before she retired was at the Mount Alvernia private hospital in Guildford. It had originally been staffed entirely by nuns, but in Veronica’s time it was a mix. Met quite a few nuns, and Veronica worked with them, of course. Couldn’t be more different from those you and mum encountered

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me.
The older I get, the better I was!


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Re: YESTERDAYS CHILD ....Chapter 1
« Reply #2 on: Jun 01, 2021, 03:02:35 PM »
As I said it WAS a different world then Mike BUT it was still going on 20 years later and when I wrote the book many came forward of both sexes to say that they too had been beaten and mentally abused.

There was a bit more to the story including the photo of the funeral bill that was saved out of the bombing of the first house we lost but I could not get it all on.
I will have to split the rest of the chapters up IF others want to read any more.

Michael Rolls

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Re: YESTERDAYS CHILD ....Chapter 1
« Reply #3 on: Jun 01, 2021, 03:10:54 PM »
Yes please. The most an individual post can cope with is a little over 2,000 words. I published one of my novels in ‘Creative Writing’ a while back. Took 15 posts!
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me.
The older I get, the better I was!


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Re: YESTERDAYS CHILD ....Chapter 1
« Reply #4 on: Jun 01, 2021, 03:37:03 PM »
Thanks Mike BUT how does one know when that amount of words are on the message?  ???

Michael Rolls

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Re: YESTERDAYS CHILD ....Chapter 1
« Reply #5 on: Jun 01, 2021, 05:19:34 PM »
Ah, hadn’t thought of that. My book was a Word document, so I was able to chop it up, S it were, then copy and paste it a bit at a time, because in Word, of course, when you select a chunk out of a longer document, it will tell you how many words are in the chunk.
Actually, if I want to post anything leng, I always do it in Word, then copy and paste. Words tools are better than those on sites
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me.
The older I get, the better I was!


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Re: YESTERDAYS CHILD ....Chapter 1
« Reply #6 on: Jun 01, 2021, 05:56:37 PM »
Very interesting story Maisie. Heard a lot of stories about Nuns but never before from some one who as suffered by them. Like monks many are just not Christians. For saying you have had such an unhappy start to life you have really shone through. Looking forward now to chapter two. Hugh


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Re: YESTERDAYS CHILD ....Chapter 1
« Reply #7 on: Jun 01, 2021, 06:21:17 PM »
We have a friend who grew up in a children's home and was abused by priests.

He is now a very laid back, affable man.  Maybe that was his coping mechanism?


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Re: YESTERDAYS CHILD ....Chapter 1
« Reply #8 on: Jun 01, 2021, 06:50:34 PM »
Dear Maisie,  I suggest you make a copy of this and send  to 1. the British Catholic Archbishop and 2. to the Pope himself.

They should know what terrible things happened to poor little children under "christian" nuns.  I went to a convent school, the nuns were nasty but none so nasty as yours, what scriptures did these old harridans read, it certainly wasn't anything to do with Jesus.

I am angry for you, really angry that you suffered so. Your mother, like mine and my family who thought the sun shone out of the nuns backsides were taken in well and truly and put us kids in their care, I am so lucky I was only a day pupil.

Yes please write more.   Jac


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Re: YESTERDAYS CHILD ....Chapter 1
« Reply #9 on: Jun 01, 2021, 07:26:29 PM »
personally i feel sorry for the poor frustrated Nuns
you got to leave that terrible place but they spent their whole lives there... imagine that...
i look forward to the other chapters...thank you
“Life may not be the party we hoped for, but as we are already here we may as well dance”


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Re: YESTERDAYS CHILD ....Chapter 1
« Reply #10 on: Jun 01, 2021, 08:24:34 PM »
Thanks everyone.

When I finally went home I was sent to a C of E school up until the war started and interfered with everyone's lives.

I was getting to know my family and about my mothers temper during my young years BUT neither she or my father ever raised a hand to any of us. Mother was a fiery person who had her own way of dealing with anything that went against her principles BUT she had a heart of gold and although I could not love her because we never had that bond as mother and baby I was very proud of her at times a well as being embarrassed as the tales will tell. 

I may have to split the tales up with having only a certain amount of word space but if I do it will have part 1 or 2 in the title. 


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Re: YESTERDAYS CHILD ....Chapter 1
« Reply #11 on: Jun 01, 2021, 10:24:40 PM »
This story puts me in mind of the incredible psychological and physical cruelty my nephew (by marriage) Chris suffered as a child. In his case it was not Catholic nuns but the good folks of the salvation army who call themselves Christians.

They used to tell the children in their "care" that they were there because their parents did not love or want them, rather than that their parents could not cope for some reason. Chris' mother used to set out on a long journey to see him and arrive to be told he was in detention for bad behaviour so she could not see him. She would leave toys for him which he was never given. They were given to other children.
When I read stories like these Im glad I chose never to have children.
Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the blind obedience of fools

Michael Rolls

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Re: YESTERDAYS CHILD ....Chapter 1
« Reply #12 on: Jun 01, 2021, 10:38:26 PM »
That’s the first time I have come across such a tale regarding the Sally Ann. When was it? I have, over the years, donated a good few grand to them, and their communications are full of tales they have helped. To be honest, I didn’t even know that they ran children’s homes
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me.
The older I get, the better I was!


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Re: YESTERDAYS CHILD ....Chapter 1
« Reply #13 on: Jun 02, 2021, 12:12:11 AM »
Unfortunatly there are too many stories of the way Children's homes treated their charges.  Some were told their families were dead and sent them off to Canada and Australia to be worked and abused there, when actually their families were alive.

Poor children, whos parents were too poor to look after them or dead, should have been looked after and loved were physically and sexually abused by people who professed to be Christian.  Many children were abused by prominent people, so called pillars of the community.  I don't know how people can be so evil.