Not sure Judd but the proverbial would hit the fan that’s for sure.
Just about every politician & media outlet use Twitter daily.
There no doubt whatsoever in my mind that Joe Biden wouldn’t be President now but for suppressing of the Biden laptop by Twitter and FB.
Seems Musk is not the type of fella to be manipulated by politicians.
Not sure how they dun it,but the Biden laptop story coupled with the Biden link to Ukraine shooda bin a nuclear bomb that shooda brought down Creepy Joe. For this alone 10/10. I would have loved to seen aired the Biden film with Lawrence Fox in it: its seems to have disappeared.
I am uneducated on this Musk chap.
I am also uneducated in in this cyrptocurrency collapse,but that I saw some regular presenters faces out the West Indies way bigging up their investments in all things irregular: T Blair and Bill Clinton. Apologies for the wayward links. But today I see the planted face of David Milliband thinking o returning to the UK. Gawd help us. The family dynasties out there are truly horrific: the Lizards have come to town!
I see all things solidifying: honchos marrying honchos,media interests pumping invested interests. Its all as like a giant chess game with the pawns small fry and of no significance. Beware of your children folke: for more dosh and power and influence these evils will get you you into all sortsa mess: you pay,they take the profits if they can shift in. Darwins Laws have gone steroid!!