Author Topic: Promises. Promises Promises  (Read 260 times)

Maddie Malone

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Promises. Promises Promises
« on: Jun 10, 2024, 01:27:32 PM »
All I’m hearing on the tv is vote for us we will do this or that . BUT they never say where they are going to get the money from and what would likely have to be increased to pay for all these ideas 🤨 . Where are they going to Find  all these extra people to  do the things they say they are going to do when there’s a shortage already  .
Are they living in the REAL world or cookoo land ?
I’m beginning to wonder with all these promises if they will bring my granny back , she’s been gone over 60 years 🤨🤨


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Re: Promises. Promises Promises
« Reply #1 on: Jun 10, 2024, 02:31:24 PM »
I don't even believe my furniture polish any more !!
The Ardsley Bomber


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Re: Promises. Promises Promises
« Reply #2 on: Jun 10, 2024, 06:37:12 PM »
All I’m hearing on the tv is vote for us we will do this or that . BUT they never say where they are going to get the money from and what would likely have to be increased to pay for all these ideas 🤨 . Where are they going to Find  all these extra people to  do the things they say they are going to do when there’s a shortage already  .
Are they living in the REAL world or cookoo land ?
I’m beginning to wonder with all these promises if they will bring my granny back , she’s been gone over 60 years 🤨🤨

Never mind these promises, let them knock my door & cross my palm with cash and they can have my vote. It’s called “upfront”. I’ll also accept vouchers for M&S, Argo etc....I ain’t proud.
I’m a real he/him.


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Re: Promises. Promises Promises
« Reply #3 on: Jun 10, 2024, 06:39:35 PM »
All I’m hearing on the tv is vote for us we will do this or that . BUT they never say where they are going to get the money from and what would likely have to be increased to pay for all these ideas 🤨 . Where are they going to Find  all these extra people to  do the things they say they are going to do when there’s a shortage already  .
Are they living in the REAL world or cookoo land ?
I’m beginning to wonder with all these promises if they will bring my granny back , she’s been gone over 60 years 🤨🤨

Excellent post. We do have a shortage of people in this country to be a nurse, doctor or dentist, that takes real dedication. As a country we do not encourage people to enter and study professions or careers that we badly need while we have plethora of people leaving universities with virtually useless degrees in equally useless recreational subjects.


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Re: Promises. Promises Promises
« Reply #4 on: Jun 10, 2024, 07:39:44 PM »
For years businesses in some sectors have employed foreign workers, at the same wage rate that they’d have paid a trainee.
So, you get a thirty year old with strength & some experience as opposed to what? An 18 year old with no experience. It took a good few years to filter through the folly of it all.

I was involved in a business in Turkey, for every foreign National employed, three Nationals (Turks) had to also be employed in that business by Law.
I’m a real he/him.


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Re: Promises. Promises Promises
« Reply #5 on: Jun 11, 2024, 10:31:25 AM »
I no longer belive a word any of them say, it's all a load of rubbish they're spouting.
Most of the time seems to be spent hurling abuse at other parties, crazy and I don't want to vote for any of them.