I watched some of this spectacle and I do like it. Did I see a young sprite some 4' 11" tall tho. Not sure. I think I saw a few,but could be wrong.
I wish no slight on our country but hold some reservations about the valour and bravery of our troops. Here I want to celebrate inclusively when sometimes it seems our establishment wants to big up our own. We do have a fine tradition in Britain of discontents ,one of which is myself
Whilst acknowledging our own best,why not invite over other fine fighting personnel who have shown equal or better courage than our own in battle.
I would have displayed the Vietcong who took on the might of the American army fighting only in black pyjamas on one bag off rice a day. They won their country for themselves Next the Taliban who trounced our own army dressed in rags,tyre sandals and 19th century muskets.
There are others.
I say all this 'poppycock' ? as I am somewhat at odds with some displays put upon by British establishment because its so often got so many of its folk into so much trubl. The rank and file seem so decent folke,but once past a certain rank the brain part seems to disassemble.