Apologies for not reviewing the film footage. I watched 7 minutes of it and wondered where it was going.If its pro interventionist Russia evil stuff I have that every day and night on BBC all channels. Much earlier in the Ukraine conflict, I read all about it and then decided Little Satan with its Big Brother Great Satan were up to there same olde tricks. I thought other European countries leaders and committees might step back a bit from out mad need to rule the world,but I guess their leaders at the High Table took the juice that makes you high. Its very doubtful the lower orders of the barons that love a set-to are up for another war tho. I think they now have turned to hating their own High Table diners as they seen their own brethren shredded in so many conflicts and price rises. In all, when I caste my eye over this increasingly overcrowded land,I think any young lad or person would be nuts to fight for those on high salaries who would have them go fight 4,000 miles away for a corrupt regime as such is the Ukraine. Lots o migrants and wotnot now all over Germany and France,men of fighting age. Cant say I see them up for any punch up far away. That leaves the untermenchen who once again have the carry the burden. But even the untermenchen now have ADHD or autism or are trans,gay,LBGQTR.